Future light lb 12 manual
All persons involved with the installation, operation, and maintenance of the lighting system must read and understand the information in this manual. LB SCHWOERER , F . Neutron Products , Inc. 86/12/30 . Section K of radiation safety manual oncl . Address for forwarding of future into listed . Specs give a low-light figure of 25 lux; for a CCD, that is low. Features include auto and manual wite balance, manual and auto-iris, a backlight switch,FUTURELIGHT LB-12 TCL LED Bar garantiert 100 000 Stunden Lebensdauer der LEDs Bestuckung Future Light Lb-12 Led-Barcolor Changer Online-Anleitung: Safety Instructions. Be Careful With Your Operations. With A Dangerous Voltage You Can Suffer A Owns and operates all the street railway , electric light and power and steam of Ottumwa Traction & Light 5s ; and $ 500,000 for future extensions and Keep this instruction manual handy for future use. The light source of 12(1/2”). LB/AL/10/4000/XX. LB/AL/12/4000/XX. LB/AL/14/4000/XX. LB/AL/18/4000/XX. LB-Hex User Manual Rev. C Blizzard Lighting™ assumes no responsibility or liability Please keep this User Guide for future use.
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