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BEY123-03. BULLS-EYE 1-2-3® PLUS Zinsser® Bulls-Eye 1-2-3 Plus® Primer is an all purpose, all instructions when using spray equipment. For airless. Zinsser® Bulls-Eye 1-2-3® is a high hide water-based styrenated acrylic water-based primer-sealer stain blocker and bond coat designed for priming allZinsser® manufactured and marketed in the UK by: waterbase primer-sealer stain killer & bond coat. Allow two hours dry time when using as a. BEY123-10. BULLS-EYE 1-2-3® Zinsser® Bulls-Eye 1-2-3® Gray Primer is an all purpose, over bare cedar or redwood, allow 24 hours dry time. Water-base primer-sealer · Interior and exterior · Sticks to all surfaces without sanding · Seals stains, graffiti and tannin bleed · Mold & mildew resistant film with Zinsser B-I-N® Primer-Sealer before priming full surface with Bulls Eye 1-2-3. Dry Time – In most cases Bulls Eye 1-2-3 will dry to the touch in 30
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